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Quiz on 'SAT Word List'

Title: Quiz on 'SAT Word List'

Question 1
1. Irreverence
1n. Lack of proper respect.
2adj. Brief and compact.
3Wild tumult; disorder on grand scale.
4Offense; resentment
5v. Scatter (like seeds) or news.
2. Fanaticism
1v. Pacify; conciliate; mitigate; appease.
2v. Cause; produce.
3n. Excessive emotion for an issue or cause.
4A process, condition or time of cultural or moral decline; deterioration; decay.
5Seeming to be probable or likely; apparently trustworthy or believable.
3. Concise
1Wild tumult; disorder on grand scale.
2adj. Brief and compact.
3adj. Brief and to the point in speaking.
4A wave - like rising and falling or bending; a wave
5Wasteful; recklessly extravagant.
4. Decadence
1Wasteful; recklessly extravagant.
2Wild tumult; disorder on grand scale.
3v. Abandon; disown.
4A process, condition or time of cultural or moral decline; deterioration; decay.
5adj. Tasteless; dull.
5. Ebullient
1A process, condition or time of cultural or moral decline; deterioration; decay.
2adj. Brief and to the point in speaking.
3A wave - like rising and falling or bending; a wave
4Happily excited; exuberant; bubbling or boiling up.
5Offense; resentment
Question 6
6. Placate
1adj. Brief and compact.
2adj. Brief and to the point in speaking.
3v. Pacify; conciliate; mitigate; appease.
4Wild tumult; disorder on grand scale.
5n. Lack of proper respect.
7. Umbrage
1adj. Depressed; gloomy.
2adj. Brief and compact.
3v. Pacify; conciliate; mitigate; appease.
4Offense; resentment
5Wasteful; recklessly extravagant.
8. Incongruous
1n. Conciseness.
2adj. Not fitting; absurd.
3adj. Inborn; innate
4adj. Tasteless; dull.
5Happily excited; exuberant; bubbling or boiling up.
9. Renounce
1n. Pride; arrogance.
2Offense; resentment
3n. Belief.
4v. Abandon; disown.
5n. Lack of proper respect.
10. Exorbitant
1n. Conciseness.
2Beyond reasonable limits; excessive.
3Happily excited; exuberant; bubbling or boiling up.
4v. Abandon; disown.
5v. Scatter (like seeds) or news.
Question 11
11. Despondent
1Heavy gluey quality.
2adj. Depressed; gloomy.
3v. Abandon; disown.
4v. Cause; produce.
5n. Belief.
12. Undulation
1n. Lack of proper respect.
2adj. Depressed; gloomy.
3Wild tumult; disorder on grand scale.
4A wave - like rising and falling or bending; a wave
5Happily excited; exuberant; bubbling or boiling up.
13. Laconic
1adj. Inborn; innate
2v. Scatter (like seeds) or news.
3v. Abandon; disown.
4A process, condition or time of cultural or moral decline; deterioration; decay.
5adj. Brief and to the point in speaking.
14. Brevity
1v. Pacify; conciliate; mitigate; appease.
2v. Cause; produce.
3Heavy gluey quality.
4Beyond reasonable limits; excessive.
5n. Conciseness.
15. Disseminate
1adj. Not fitting; absurd.
2n. Belief.
3n. Pride; arrogance.
4Offense; resentment
5v. Scatter (like seeds) or news.
Question 16
16. Haughtiness
1n. Pride; arrogance.
2Beyond reasonable limits; excessive.
3Wasteful; recklessly extravagant.
4v. Pacify; conciliate; mitigate; appease.
17. Viscosity
1v. Pacify; conciliate; mitigate; appease.
2Heavy gluey quality.
3adj. Not fitting; absurd.
4n. Pride; arrogance.
5n. Excessive emotion for an issue or cause.
18. Engender
1adj. Brief and to the point in speaking.
2Wasteful; recklessly extravagant.
3Seeming to be probable or likely; apparently trustworthy or believable.
4v. Cause; produce.
5adj. Inborn; innate
19. Insipid
1A wave - like rising and falling or bending; a wave
2adj. Tasteless; dull.
3Heavy gluey quality.
4Wasteful; recklessly extravagant.
5adj. Depressed; gloomy.
20. Pandemonium
1adj. Depressed; gloomy.
2Wasteful; recklessly extravagant.
3Wild tumult; disorder on grand scale.
4adj. Brief and to the point in speaking.
5Happily excited; exuberant; bubbling or boiling up.

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