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Quiz on 'SAT Word List'

Title: Quiz on 'SAT Word List'

Question 1
1. Nepotism
1Of an earlier or primitive time; ancient; no longer in popular use; outdated.
2Equal in measures; properly proportionate.
3Favoritism shown to relatives, especially in job appointments.
4The capability of recovering shape after being or stretched; elasticity; the personal capability of recovering undamaged from stress or pressure.
5(a) n. Proof or declaration of guilt. (b) n. Strongly held belief.
2. Incorrigible
1adj. Uncorrectable.
2adj. Humoring; yielding; lenient.
3n. Fluctuation; wavering.
4Equal in measures; properly proportionate.
5adj. Indisputable.
3. Inaugurate
1v. Start; initiate; install in office.
2adj. Uncertain how to act; weak.
3adj. Indisputable.
4adj. Secret.
5n. Cursing; irreverence; sacrilege.
4. Indulgent
1adj. Humoring; yielding; lenient.
2adj. Deserving blame.
3n. Fluctuation; wavering.
4(a) n. Proof or declaration of guilt. (b) n. Strongly held belief.
5adj. Uncertain how to act; weak.
5. Placate
1v. Pacify; conciliate; mitigate; appease.
2n. That which is hinted at or suggested.
3adj. Uncorrectable.
4Equal in measures; properly proportionate.
5n. Sternness; severity; lack of luxuries.
Question 6
6. Resilience
1The leading or central character in a play or story; a person most concerned and active in resolving a situation.
2adj. Uncertain how to act; weak.
3The capability of recovering shape after being or stretched; elasticity; the personal capability of recovering undamaged from stress or pressure.
4adj. Deep; not superficial.
5adj. Indisputable.
7. Protagonist
1To think about carefully; to ponder over; to meditate.
2adj. Deserving blame.
3The leading or central character in a play or story; a person most concerned and active in resolving a situation.
4adj. Mixed up; based on false or unfair selection.
5v. Start; initiate; install in office.
8. Archaic
1n. Sternness; severity; lack of luxuries.
2v. Praise; glorify.
3n. Cursing; irreverence; sacrilege.
4adj. Uncertain how to act; weak.
5Of an earlier or primitive time; ancient; no longer in popular use; outdated.
9. Reprehensible
1n. That which is hinted at or suggested.
2adj. Unruly; stubborn.
3adj. Indisputable.
4v. Come together.
5adj. Deserving blame.
10. Profound
1adj. Deep; not superficial.
2Of an earlier or primitive time; ancient; no longer in popular use; outdated.
3Equal in measures; properly proportionate.
4v. Come together.
5The capability of recovering shape after being or stretched; elasticity; the personal capability of recovering undamaged from stress or pressure.
Question 11
11. Implication
1The leading or central character in a play or story; a person most concerned and active in resolving a situation.
2v. Pacify; conciliate; mitigate; appease.
3The capability of recovering shape after being or stretched; elasticity; the personal capability of recovering undamaged from stress or pressure.
4adj. Uncorrectable.
5n. That which is hinted at or suggested.
12. Garbled
1adj. Mixed up; based on false or unfair selection.
2Of an earlier or primitive time; ancient; no longer in popular use; outdated.
3adj. Deserving blame.
4v. Praise; glorify.
5adj. Uncorrectable.
13. Intractable
1(a) n. Proof or declaration of guilt. (b) n. Strongly held belief.
2adj. Unruly; stubborn.
3v. Pacify; conciliate; mitigate; appease.
4adj. Uncorrectable.
5n. Fluctuation; wavering.
14. Conviction
1n. Sternness; severity; lack of luxuries.
2adj. Deserving blame.
3adj. Uncorrectable.
4The leading or central character in a play or story; a person most concerned and active in resolving a situation.
5(a) n. Proof or declaration of guilt. (b) n. Strongly held belief.
15. Austerity
1n. That which is hinted at or suggested.
2(a) n. Proof or declaration of guilt. (b) n. Strongly held belief.
3adj. Unruly; stubborn.
4n. Sternness; severity; lack of luxuries.
5Favoritism shown to relatives, especially in job appointments.
Question 16
16. Extol
1adj. Deserving blame.
2n. That which is hinted at or suggested.
3v. Start; initiate; install in office.
4v. Praise; glorify.
5n. Sternness; severity; lack of luxuries.
17. Incontrovertible
1v. Pacify; conciliate; mitigate; appease.
2Of an earlier or primitive time; ancient; no longer in popular use; outdated.
3adj. Deep; not superficial.
4adj. Indisputable.
5The capability of recovering shape after being or stretched; elasticity; the personal capability of recovering undamaged from stress or pressure.
18. Irresolute
1Of an earlier or primitive time; ancient; no longer in popular use; outdated.
2The capability of recovering shape after being or stretched; elasticity; the personal capability of recovering undamaged from stress or pressure.
3adj. Uncertain how to act; weak.
4v. Pacify; conciliate; mitigate; appease.
5v. Come together.
19. Surreptitious
1The capability of recovering shape after being or stretched; elasticity; the personal capability of recovering undamaged from stress or pressure.
2adj. Humoring; yielding; lenient.
3Favoritism shown to relatives, especially in job appointments.
4adj. Secret.
5v. Come together.
20. Commensurate
1Equal in measures; properly proportionate.
2adj. Uncorrectable.
3To think about carefully; to ponder over; to meditate.
4n. That which is hinted at or suggested.
5adj. Unruly; stubborn.

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