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Quiz on 'SAT Word List'

Title: Quiz on 'SAT Word List'

Question 1
1. Scrupulous
1n. Positive assertion; confirmation.
2adj. Conscientious; extremely thorough.
3n. Portray.
4n. Wealth.
5adj. Abundantly fruitful.
2. Stoic
1n. Wealth.
2adj. Not essential; minor.
3n. Portray.
4n. Person who sows no emotions.
5Seeming to be probable or likely; apparently trustworthy or believable.
3. Miserly
1adj. Drowsy; dull; tired.
2adj. Conscientious; extremely thorough.
3n. Disrepute; ill fame.
4adj. Stingy; mean; excessively cheap in nature.
5Self - assurance; self - confidence; self - possession; poise.
4. Incidental
1n. Disrepute; ill fame.
2adj. Concise; abrupt; pithy.
3adj. Not essential; minor.
4adj. Conscientious; extremely thorough.
5Talkative; given to continual talking
5. Prolific
1Distorted; strangely ugly; outlandish; bizarre.
2n. Wealth.
3v. Charge with a crime.
4adj. Abundantly fruitful.
5adj. Conscientious; extremely thorough.
Question 6
6. Lucid
1adj. Easily understood.
2n. Disrepute; ill fame.
3adj. Stingy; mean; excessively cheap in nature.
4Fearless; dauntless.
5n. Wealth.
7. Terse
1adj. Concise; abrupt; pithy.
2adj. Deep; not superficial.
3n. Mild expression in place of an unpleasant one.
4adj. Stingy; mean; excessively cheap in nature.
5Favoritism shown to relatives, especially in job appointments.
8. Euphemism
1adj. Abundantly fruitful.
2v. Charge with a crime.
3n. Portray.
4n. Mild expression in place of an unpleasant one.
5The state of being sober serious or temperate; abstinence from intoxicating substance.
9. Profound
1Self - assurance; self - confidence; self - possession; poise.
2adj. Stingy; mean; excessively cheap in nature.
3n. Mild expression in place of an unpleasant one.
4adj. Abundantly fruitful.
5adj. Deep; not superficial.
10. Opulence
1adj. Conscientious; extremely thorough.
2n. Wealth.
3n. Praise.
4adj. Easily understood.
5n. Mild expression in place of an unpleasant one.
Question 11
11. Plausible
1adj. Conscientious; extremely thorough.
2adj. Concise; abrupt; pithy.
3adj. Deep; not superficial.
4Happily excited; exuberant; bubbling or boiling up.
5Seeming to be probable or likely; apparently trustworthy or believable.
12. Grotesque
1n. Positive assertion; confirmation.
2adj. Stingy; mean; excessively cheap in nature.
3adj. Easily understood.
4Distorted; strangely ugly; outlandish; bizarre.
5adj. Not essential; minor.
13. Affirmation
1n. Positive assertion; confirmation.
2n. Portray.
3adj. Not essential; minor.
4Happily excited; exuberant; bubbling or boiling up.
5Talkative; given to continual talking
14. Loquacious
1Talkative; given to continual talking
2The state of being sober serious or temperate; abstinence from intoxicating substance.
3adj. Concise; abrupt; pithy.
4Fearless; dauntless.
5n. Praise.
15. Notoriety
1Self - assurance; self - confidence; self - possession; poise.
2n. Positive assertion; confirmation.
3n. Disrepute; ill fame.
4n. Praise.
5adj. Conscientious; extremely thorough.
Question 16
16. Nepotism
1n. Praise.
2Favoritism shown to relatives, especially in job appointments.
3n. Mild expression in place of an unpleasant one.
4adj. Abundantly fruitful.
17. Ebullient
1n. Positive assertion; confirmation.
2adj. Drowsy; dull; tired.
3adj. Not essential; minor.
4Happily excited; exuberant; bubbling or boiling up.
5n. Person who sows no emotions.
18. Aplomb
1n. Person who sows no emotions.
2adj. Drowsy; dull; tired.
3n. Praise.
4Self - assurance; self - confidence; self - possession; poise.
5n. Portray.
19. Lethargic
1adj. Drowsy; dull; tired.
2adj. Not essential; minor.
3Fearless; dauntless.
4adj. Concise; abrupt; pithy.
5n. Person who sows no emotions.
20. Delineate
1n. Portray.
2Distorted; strangely ugly; outlandish; bizarre.
3n. Positive assertion; confirmation.
4n. Wealth.
5Favoritism shown to relatives, especially in job appointments.

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